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Very good game.

Very nice!


please don't be satanic...ur a christian but this game fell undiscovered and anomalies of the prohibited and the game itself is daniel is in process to unalive on 2030 because of satanic review and discovery on daniel's room. for peaceful, mode can you never add the satanic on daniel room please

Interesting game

Yeah Daniel definitely needs help. Fun little game!

Kinda buggy, but I did like the idea!

baggy, I die no matter what ending


as a guy named daniel yes i do need help

Gameplay não comentado (Uncommented gameplay)


was a pretty interesting game. I couldnt get the restart to work though but I did go back to try to find other endings :) found nothing. Game is  3rd and starts at 09:06


Thanks for playing! :D

No shit he needs help

fun, but wheres the fridge?


this game is horrible!

the menu is done very badly, if you die you can not even try again, you have to close it from the desktop!

you didn't commit to making this game

Ah, another thing, the camera turns very bad

When you will make new games, do your best to create them because this one was really bad :/


Sorry to hear that! But thanks for the feedback! <3

you're welcome man

i just said that because i want to encourage you to do better, don't give up, try harder and don't release it right too early, because if you do that, it happens that it's a bad game.

It's important to do a good story, good mechanics for the run, for the view movement, for everything, a good menu! don't do black menu never again please, they are really bad.

And fix every bug that you find in the development, ok? :)


lol, if you want AAA games, just buy some on steam.

being an asshole to indie devs just show ur a piece of shite as a human being and a poor fuck

shut the f*ck up you horrible person, i just criticize the game for what it is!! surely your life is so sad if you got angry for a simple comment on a game page, hahah


If this game sucks, it sucks!!

There's no alternative!!

The game is horrible and i said that because i want games much more good than what he did.

And no, if a game is free it doesn't mean that it have to be a sh*t!

You are a clown, haha

oh my god you're really really sad weirdo. try to get out of the house for a while, weird kid two comments above you were being nice with the game, now here you are already throwing a tantrum again. if you want perfect games, buy it on steam! itch has always been for indie developers to release alphas and betas of their games, the sad part is that poor people like you are desperate and weird. f*cking freak


man, you just told me that i am being an asshole, how do you think i can comment to you after your horrible message insulting me? you are the weirdo one commenting to m when i wasn't even talked with you, i was talking with the dev, so you are the sad and ridiculous one, haha

you are a fucking freak, you stupid guy!

free games don't mean that they have to be bad games, you are wrong about this!

you are so stupid man

(1 edit) (-1)

and man, if the game is a beta, don't release it, because surely it will be a shit, that's the truth!

in the 90s years nobody would had released a game in beta, they always released it full and perfect, but now with the internet, everybody release bad games.


this stereotype that free games must suck you have to stop saying it 'cause is wrong!

but you can't know it, you are just a stupid idiot that just comments to people to make them angry, shame on you man!

but i don't care about you, i don't want to loose time answering to a sad guy like you, so bye idiot

(1 edit) (-1)

you just insult me and you want me to not insult you? that's really ridiculous, you are a clown, haha

the last thing i want to say to you is that, you want to know the truth?

nowadays there are no more people who criticize games for well like time age, criticism is necessary to make games better, but i see that you don't understand it, you stupid kid

so bye

why dont u just go suck a penis?

Deleted 316 days ago

no, you have to go back from where you were born since no one asked for your thoughts, haha



Thanks for playing! :D

The game wouldn't let me restart after I died.

It happened to me too, I just alt+f4 to close it and opened it again!


is there a way to save Daniel with the cross I tried like 50 times 


Try placing the cross in front of the portal by the door, and when you summon him move behind or to the side of the cross.


so this was okay is you were looking for a five minute experience, but i feel that there was missed opportunities to put more depth into it, instead i felt the multiple endings didn't really serve much of a purpose as they all said the same thing "YOU DIED!" gameplay above hope you guys enjoy 

Thanks for the feedback! :D


nice spooky

Thank you for playing! :D

Deleted post

Thx for playing the game!


Found all endings c:

Short, funny game - well done!

Thanks for playing!!! <3

(1 edit) (+1)

Really liked the game! I loved the cross ending! I kept trying to pick it up, and it's like it was meant to stay on the floor! Great job!


Thank you for playing the game!! :D

No problem! 

love it thank you

Thanks for playing! <3